God as defined by Encarta Concise Dictionary 1. Supreme Being, the being believed in monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Islam and Christianity to be the all powerful all knowing creator of the universe worshipped as the only God. 2. The Trinity, one supreme being as worshipped by Christians in the form of three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The purpose of this exercise is to see how damaging the ego based dictionary can be. As a child we set out to define a new word, our parents and teachers often encouraged us to utilise a dictionary at hand. The definition as expressed will represent for the child
the important first brick in constructing a foundation of the word God. If the definition is flawed by an ego biased dictionary imagine how the child can be dis empowered . If we were to accept the Encarta view of God we would be left with an external being that needs to be worshipped. Building on this keystone the child's vision of God is further tainted by the religious and societal residue of a demanding God filled with wrath who will judge thereby exacting vengeance
or acceptance. I was that child, maybe you were too, it took me two decades to climb out of that pit of horrors. I have redefined the word God and will continue to redefine words who's ego stamp fail to fall into the new paradigm of God Self manifestation. God by redefinition 1. The Creator of all experience manifest and unmanifest, expressed as a field of infinite possibilities. 2. The Alpha and the Omega; every thing, every being, every action expressed as love. There is nothing that is not God including yourself.