God as defined by Encarta Concise Dictionary 1. Supreme Being, the being believed in monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Islam and Christianity to be the all powerful all knowing creator of the universe worshipped as the only God. 2. The Trinity, one supreme being as worshipped by Christians in the form of three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The purpose of this exercise is to see how damaging the ego based dictionary can be. As a child we set out to define a new word, our parents and teachers often encouraged us to utilise a dictionary at hand. The definition as expressed will represent for the child
the important first brick in constructing a foundation of the word God. If the definition is flawed by an ego biased dictionary imagine how the child can be dis empowered . If we were to accept the Encarta view of God we would be left with an external being that needs to be worshipped. Building on this keystone the child's vision of God is further tainted by the religious and societal residue of a demanding God filled with wrath who will judge thereby exacting vengeance
or acceptance. I was that child, maybe you were too, it took me two decades to climb out of that pit of horrors. I have redefined the word God and will continue to redefine words who's ego stamp fail to fall into the new paradigm of God Self manifestation. God by redefinition 1. The Creator of all experience manifest and unmanifest, expressed as a field of infinite possibilities. 2. The Alpha and the Omega; every thing, every being, every action expressed as love. There is nothing that is not God including yourself.

God could be a being in a state of absolute negentropy residing in a higher dimension than any other being..
ReplyDeleteGravitation Force is the Ultimate Creator, this paper I presented at the 1st Int. Conf. on Revival of Traditional Yoga, held at The Lonavla Yoga Institute (India), Lonavla, Pune in 2006. The Abstract of this paper is given below:
ReplyDeleteThe Universe includes everything that exists. In the Universe there are billions and billions of stars. These stars are distributed in the space in huge clusters. They are held together by gravitation and are known as galaxies. Sun is also a star. Various members of the solar system are bound to it by gravitation force. Gravitation force is the ultimate cause of birth and death of galaxy, star and planets etc. Gravitation can be considered as the cause of various forms of animate and inanimate existence. Human form is superior to all other forms. Withdrawal of gravitational wave from some plane of action is called the death of that form. It can be assumed that gravitation force is ultimate creator. Source of it is ‘God’. Gravitational Field is the supreme soul (consciousness) and its innumerable points of action may be called as individual soul (consciousness). It acts through body and mind. Body is physical entity. Mind can be defined as the function of autonomic nervous system. Electromagnetic waves are its agents through which it works. This can be realized through the practice of meditation and yoga under qualified meditation instruction. This can remove misunderstanding between science and religion and amongst various religions. This is the gist of all religious teachings – past, present and future.
‘In Scientific Terminology Source of Gravitational Wave is God’ I have presented this paper at the 2nd World Congress on Vedic Sciences held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 9-11, 2007. The Abstract of this paper is given below:
For Centuries, antagonism remained between science and religion. Science and spirituality require to be fused. An integrated philisophy is to be developed. It is written in the scriptures that entire creation is being maintained only through love or force of attraction. In Persian it is known as quvat-i-jaziba. It is on account of this force that the entire creation, which come into existence through the combination of small particles and atoms, is being maintained and sustained. The creation or universe includes everything that exists. In the universe there are billions and billions of stars. They are held together by gravitation and are known as galaxies. Sun is also a star. Various members of the solar system are bound to it by gravitation force. Gravitation force is the ultimate cause of birth and death of a galaxy, star and planet etc. and various forms of animate and inanimate existence. Gravitation force is the ultimate creator, sustainer and destroyer of the universe. These are the three attributes of God. Providence has located within the human body a spiritual faculty. When this faculty is developed like physical and mental faculties we find that Truth-the goal of science and God-the goal of religion are one and the same thing.
Great idea, God's Dictionary! I've been working on just such a personal project.
ReplyDeleteFor example: Wrath: P.I.E. wer-3, turn or bend – warp, writhe (twisted, tortured), wrench, wrestle, wring, divert, pervert.
Clearly, wrath is not God’s normal right-eous, straight course. He seeks justice (wer-2), to bless and benefit, to water (wer-7). Sin compels Him, through His own honor, to allow the wicked to punish the wicked, or sometimes to do so Himself in order to cover (wer-5) his chicks from evil that He perceives (wer-4, wer-11) from His exalted perspective (wer-1) in eternal burnings (wer-9).
This is, however, too narrow. I wrote this morning in my journal: What fun it would be to have, or compile, a book called God’s Dictionary. What sort of a team would one have to gather to find the consistencies among the P.I.E., Proto-Semitic, Bible, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Sikh, Muslim and LDS scriptures and postulate God’s definitions for various seminal terms. This could encourage and facilitate much inter-faith dialogue. Perhaps God’sDictionary.wiki.
Maybe your website is the beginning?
Let me contribute some of the definitions that I have compiled in my little version of God's Dictionary.
ReplyDeleteThese are not the definitions in our current dictionaries, which merely show how people currently use the words. If one finds the word gay in the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon, Tao te Ching, etc. and thinks it means homosexual, the result will be confusion, because that is not what the writer meant. Likewise with many other words, as demonstrated below.
NOTE: These definitions reflect my personal beliefs as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).
Anger: painful constriction, anxiety
P.I.E. angh-, Tight, painfully constricted, painful. Root of anguish, angst, anger, strangle, anxious, angina and hangnail. The British still refer to a red, painful sore as an anger. I think this explains God’s definition of the word quite clearly. It’s about pain, not rage & hostility.
De-stroy: Literally, to oppose, throw down & scatter; from de (– down, oppose), and strew, to scatter. Similar to pride, which is about separation and emnity.
These words are in opposition to re-lig-ion (re-connect-ion) and unity / uniting / one in me, and I in thee, and they in us / if ye are not one ye are not mine.
Detest: to testify against
Proto-Indo-European (P.I.E.) root: trei-, three. Root of three, testify (3rd person standing by). Detest also shows up several times in scripture. Our dictionaries define it as loathing and abhorring (horror). But the ancient roots are simply to testify against, with a nuance of 2-3 witnesses. This is consistent with the scriptural references. No madness or even loathing in the roots of the word. Beautiful.
Prosper: Produce one’s hopes. (opposite of despair – deprive of hope)
My American Heritage Dict. defines prosper as to be fortunate or successful; thrive. Most people I know seem to superimpose material wealth over the whole idea, but it’s not about money. It’s about what one wants, hopes for. P.I.E. –spei is the root of sperer (Lat. To hope).
Vengeance: coming to reveal and judge, defend the innocent and fend off the offenders, adjudicating and teaching judgment
Vengence is mine, saith the Lord. Vindicate & vindictive are its sister words. So what exactly is vengeance in God’s dictionary? My 1969 Amer. Heritage Dict (AHD) notes “first element obscure” regarding the vin/ven part of the word. So I looked for other vin and ven words. Venire is a legal term stemming from the P.I.E. gwa, to come, as in venire, venue, convene, revenant, Span: venir.
The –geance part comes from the P.I.E. root deik, to show or pronounce solemnly – the origin of edict, and judge. So ven-geance and vin-dicate could mean coming to show and pronounce judgement.
Looking further: if gwa, then perhaps gwen? No. But a little beyond gwen is gwhen, to strike or hurt, and is the root of defend, fence and gun. (OE guth was a Germanic derivative that meant war.) Hence ven-geance & vin-dicate could mean defend the innocent and fend off the offenders, adjudicating and teaching judgment. I am your Mediator, the Lord of hosts/Sabaoth, the Great, Eternal Judge.
I feel that gwhen-deik is the correct definition, but gwa-deik would do to give me a closer idea of God’s definition of vengeance and vindication.